Landscaping Bark — Products And Uses

Decorative bark can be used to add contrast to your land or as a protective layer that will preserve the nutritional content of soil. Choose wood products that are dyed or undyed and select the land where bark pieces will be added.

Bark Products

Decorative bark is sourced from cypress, pine, oak, and other tree varieties. Bark manufacturers use grinding equipment to prepare long strips, nuggets, or irregular-shaped mulch pieces. Some manufacturers market bark mulch as an organic material that does not contain any dyes or additives. This type of landscaping bark will be the same exact color and texture as the bark of the tree that it was sourced from.

A manufacturer may also use a vegetable dye or a chemical dye to enhance the color of bark pieces. A preserving agent may also be added to a mulch product. A preserving agent will aid with retaining the shape, color, and texture of bark. Many landscaping bark products can be used for more than one season. If a bark mulch product contains a preserving agent, a property owner may decide to add bark pieces to a flowerbed and transfer the bark pieces the following season and use them for another landscaping project.

Bark can be placed on agricultural land, residential property, or commercial property. All natural bark pieces are safe to place around livestock and domesticated animals. If a farmer would like to add bark to a stable, they can simply apply a couple of inches of bark mulch and spread it across the areas where animals will be eating or sleeping.

Project Ideas

One variety of bark can be used to add contrast to a garden, around a series of trees and shrubs, or to a plot where potted plants are going to be displayed. Several types of bark can be used to add a lot of visual appeal to an area. If landscaping bark pieces that are of several colors and sizes will be added to bare soil, a property owner may choose to use plastic or metal borders to separate the areas where different colors of mulch will be added.

Border pieces will prevent the different types of bark from mixing with one another. Bark pieces should be added to the soil when it is moist. This will allow the most water retention to be attained, once the bark has been laid across the bare soil. Bark mulch products can be used to make paths and other features where people tend to walk.

Contact a company like Lincoln Sand & Rock to learn more. 
